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Dr. Karson Oten International Support Group


Career in Education & Charity 

06.  Appointed Vice English Panel at Hong Kong Education Department's Adult Education Unit at age of 21
07.  Joined the English Examination Panel at Hong Kong Education Bureau's Project Yi Jin Programme at the age of 22
08.  Became one of the youngest School Principals in Hong Kong at the age of 24
09.  Achieved popularity as an English tutor in Hong Kong, reaching the first peak of teaching 13,500 students monthly at the age of 29
10.  Recognized as most popular English teacher in Hong Kong, with a student base exceeding 100,000 over 20 years (1 in 70                       Hong Kong citizens ever been taught by K.Oten), earning the title of 'Tutor God' by CNN and ranking as Top 1 in Asia (2006-2018)
11.  Spearheaded the growth of three out of the Big 4 private education groups in Hong Kong from 2002 to 2018, including the                     listing of Modern Education (1082) on the HKEX Main Board valued at $USD 113 million
12.  Established the Oten Charitable Education Fund (2006-2014)
13.  Served as Editor & Creative Director of the Education Column at Sing Pao Newspaper (2007-2008)
14.  Founded and served as Principal of All Star Education Group in Hong Kong and China (2011-2019)
15.  Served as Regional Director at the University of Bradford from 2012 to 2014
16.  Established All Star Care, providing assistance to students in need since 2012
17.  Founded and directed the Hong Kong (Special) Education and Development Association since 2014

18.  Founded Hong Kong XP Lab, specializing in Extra Sensory Perception Experiments since 2017
19.  Held the position of Chief Academic Director (Greater China) at Stanford Education in partnership with Buckinghamshire                       New University since 2018 
20.  Served as the Academic Director & Board of Management of Focus Learning Education Group in Vietnam from 2022-2024

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Dr. Karson Oten was a very well-known Hong Kong Star English Teacher, with No.1 student base over 100,000 in the past 20 years (K.Oten in King's Glory Education in 2005)


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Dr. Karson Oten had been holding the biggest mock exam seminars from 2012 to 2017, teaching over 10,000 students in one day (K.Oten in All-Star Education Group from 2011 to 2018)


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In CNN 'The world's greatest city - 50 Reasons why Hong Kong is No.1‘, Dr .Karson Oten was described as ‘Tutor God’ K.Oten


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Dr. Karson Oten as the most popular King of Education in Hong Kong and Mr Andy Lau Tak-wah as the most popular King of Entertainment in Hong Kong having a press interview together


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In Ezine Articles 'Asia's Millionaire Tutors‘, Dr Karson Oten was regarded as 'Tutor King' in Asia's Top 5


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Dr. Karson Oten was the prime mover in Modern Education (1082) listing on HKEX Main Board at the value of $USD 113 million

(K.Oten  in Modern Education Group from 2006 to 2010)


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In the prospectus of HK Education (HKEx 1082), due to K.Oten leaving Modern Education, their income dropped by USD$20.7 millions (36.8%)

(Dr. Karson Oten in Modern Education using 8 connected classrooms to have lectures at the same time)


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According to the information from King’s Glory Education, in 2005, Dr. Karson Oten had more than 7,600 students every month. Based on the course fee of more than HKD$400  per person, the monthly income was as high as USD$400,000.  According to King’s Glory, among all English students of the schools in 2006, half of the students belonged to ‘K.Oten Super English Force’.


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Dr. Karson Oten and his billboard promotion in CBD of Hong Kong.

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Dr. Karson Oten and his bus ad promotion

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Dr. Karson Oten and his bus ad and billboard promotion 

All Star Kids – an education group founded by Dr. Karson Oten & Celebrity Mr Mark Ryan

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 Mr Mark Ryan was a famous Kids’ TV Programme host, exboyfriend of Singer Joyce Cheng and the champions of Hong Kong Marathon for 3 years

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Career in Education & Charity in Hong Kong


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Dr. Karson Oten was the Editor & Creative Director (Education Column) of Sing Pao Newspaper in Hong Kong

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Super English Force led by Dr. Karson Oten has produced a lot of creative English programmes. ‘WTH365’ series is one of the examples.

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Dr. Karson Oten is the Founder & Commander of a charitable organization called Hong Kong (Special) Education & Development Association


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Bringing along his son Crio in a charitable seminar, Dr. K.Oten shared experience with parents who have kids with special needs.


Oten Charitable Education Fund - a charity organization founded by Dr. Karson Oten

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Oten Charitable Education Fund worked with Give & Take Association, Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Universal Music, producing a song 'Result‘. The song aiming at encouraging students facing difficulties not to give up. Hins Cheung was one of the most popular singers in Hong Kong.

Hins Cheung ft Karson Oten version: https://youtu.be/o5EaE35QvsE

Oten Charitable Education Fund worked with Give & Take Association, Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Universal Music, producing a song 'Result‘. The song aiming at encouraging students facing difficulties not to give up. Hins Cheung was one of the most popular singers in Hong Kong.

Hins Cheung ft Karson Oten version: https://youtu.be/o5EaE35QvsE

Oten Charitable Education Fund worked with Give & Take Association, Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Universal Music, producing a song 'Result‘. The song aiming at encouraging students facing difficulties not to give up. Hins Cheung was one of the most popular singers in Hong Kong.

Hins Cheung ft Karson Oten version: https://youtu.be/o5EaE35QvsE

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Before working with Give & Take Association, Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, and Universal Music, Karson Oten wrote this song 'Result', aiming at encouraging students facing difficulties not to give up. In the end Dr Oten gave Hins Cheung (popular singer in Hong Kong) this song for more coverage and helping more students in need

Oten’s original version:  https://youtu.be/-nv3Oi-iQ4U

All Star Care - a charitable education programme initiated by Dr Karson Oten

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All Star Care, a charitable programme led by Dr. Karson Oten, had been helping many poor families in Hong Kong without any condition.


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Youth Meteor Magazine by Oten Charitable Fund

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All Star Education tutors provide free courses for poor students

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Popular DJ, Model and KOL Ms Lokyi (Dr. Karson Oten’s former student) helped promoting All Star Care Free Course Programmes


All Star Care - a charitable education programme initiated by Dr. Karson Oten

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All Star Care was supported by many former students including famous singer Ms Angela Hui Ching Wan


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All Star Care was supported by many former students including outstanding Apps Designer Lim Kam Ho

19. Held the position of Chief Academic Director (Greater China) at Stanford Education in partnership with Buckinghamshire New University since 2018

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Bucks New University - a public university in Buckinghamshire, England

Dr. Karson Oten invited to Bucks New University for academic exchange

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BNU famous for performing arts & media production

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Chief Academic Director (Greater China) of Stanford Education in conjunction with Buckinghamshire New University

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Dr. Karson Oten & Dr Greta Paa-Kerner

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Dr. Karson Oten & outstanding BNU students from China


Dr. Karson Oten in Media & Broadcasting Faculty of Hainan Normal University

Dr. Karson Oten invited by different universities around the world

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Dr. Karson Oten's academy recognised by University of the West of England

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Former Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung graduated from University of the West of England

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Bristol Campus of University of the West of England

Dr. Karson Oten in The University of Northampton

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A group of 80 teachers from Hubei Normal University exchange teaching methodology in All Star Education

Dr. Karson Oten hosting the teachers seminar with Hubei Normal University

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Dr. Karson Oten was appointed as the academic consultant for University of Bradford


14. Founded and served as Principal of All Star Education Group in Hong Kong and China (2011-2019)

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All Star Education Group Shenzhen Campus 2018

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Innovation in Education -Hong Kong star tutors teaching in China

Dr. Karson Oten & his academic management team in Shenzhen

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Dr. Karson Oten teaching English Elite Class

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Dr. Karson Oten - Principal of All Star Group in Hong Kong & China

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English Elite Class in 2018

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18. Founded Hong Kong XP Lab, specializing in Extra Sensory Perception Experiments since 2017

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Korean Partners’ Experiments:

(Youtube link I send to you later )

Vietnamese Partners’ Experiments:

(Youtube link I send to you later)

Trainees’ Regular Practice:

(Youtube link I send to you later)

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Dr. Karson Oten - One of the founders of Hong Kong XP Lab (Extra Sensory Perception Scientific Experiments)

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Hong Kong Celebrity So Chi-wai & Lau Siu-wai practising ESP Training

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XP Lab trainees practising ESP Training

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